Financial Marketing

Financial Marketing 101: How to rank your blog higher up in Google

By January 4, 2017 No Comments

You have spent precious time doing financial marketing by crafting your new article or news bulletin for your blog. Now you want it to actually appear in front of your audience when they’re spending time surfing the web. How do you do this?

The difficulty lies in knowing what exactly Google is looking for when they choose which articles should rank the highest in their search engine. Their criteria for ranking web pages is constantly changing, so you need to keep your eye on the ball if your financial marketing is to succeed.

Essentially, old-school financial marketing for SEO used to worry about what your title looked like, your meta description and also your tags. This can be thought of as the “bare bones” of SEO.

So what’s different here? There are lots of things we could say, but when it comes to financial marketing you should generally focus on three things from this list:

– Twitter Cards
– Open graph markup
– Favicon

Twitter is a huge content distribution network and using Twitter cards instead of simply the URL allow you to stand out more powerfully. To create card URLs, use this link here

Open graph markup is important for Facebook and should be considered best practice for SEO. A useful tool here is the Sharing Debugger, which can be found here

The favicon is the graphic which features in the tab of your website. It might seem unimportant, but it matters because many websites (including social media sites) use that favicon in their display of your site when they conduct scraping.

For more tips on how to grow your blog readership, check out our article here about how to accumulate your first 100 blog subscribers.