Financial Marketing

The Top 10 “Selling Words” In Financial Marketing

By February 8, 2018 No Comments

Financial advisers need to sell. That means engaging current and new, potential clients with your brand through compelling financial marketing.

A vital part of this whole process is to use effective “selling words”, which draw your prospects further along their buying journey – rather than putting them off.

Words are hugely important for sales people. IFAs, moreover, are salespeople by virtue of their profession. Much of what you do naturally involves networking, meeting potential new clients, and convincing people to trust you with their pension, investments or estate.

Knowing what kinds of words work, then, in encouraging these people towards a sale is bound to hold great value for your business. That’s why we’ve put together 10 “selling words” here in this article, for you to use in your own sales process and financial marketing:


#1 The Word “You”

Many IFAs mistakenly think that selling is all about telling your clients and prospects about their brand, services and USPs. This is wrong. Your financial marketing should make as much reference to “you” – i.e. the client – as possible.

It’s often hard to hear, but people don’t really want to hear about you. That want to know how you can meet their needs, solve their problems and help them achieve their goals. Talk about that.


#2 The Word “Value”

Try and avoid talking about the “benefits” and “features” of your services in your financial marketing and selling. Talk instead about how you can add value to their lives. Make it abundantly clear how you intend to help the client articulate, and meet, their objectives.


#3 The Word “And”

This might look like a funny one, but it’s a hugely vital replacement for the word “but”. This is very useful when dealing with objections, concerns or criticisms. Saying “but” to a prospects signals you are about to disagree, and counteract what they want to hear. It puts them on edge, and puts them off.

Using the word “and”, however, is inclusive and makes it look like you are agreeing, when in fact you are disagreeing. For example, you could say: “I see you are only willing to pay a 1% fee, but our fee is 2%”. On the other hand, you could say instead: “I see you only want to pay a 1% fee, and let me tell you why we work on a 1.5% fee.”


#4 The Word “Do”

Try and avoid saying you will “try” to do something. Rather, say you will “do” something. This makes you look dependable and trustworthy, rather than vague or fluffy. It inspires confidence in your financial marketing, and in your abilities as an IFA to actually deliver.


#5 The Word “Or”

Here’s the problem with presenting just one solution to your client’s problems: it encourages them to “take it or leave it”. You only offer two ways forward. Instead, try and present your prospects with multiple options for them to choose from.

Having two or three choices, for instance, suddenly doubles or triples the chances of you getting a sale. Be careful, however, not to overload the prospect with too many options. This can actually undermine the sales process, causing “choice paralysis.” Be flexible, but be reasonable.


#6 Saying The Phrase “Should We…”

No one likes to be bossed around, especially customers. Saying words like “you should…” can come across the wrong way, making you appear grandiose, presumptive and arrogant. In your financial marketing and selling, instead try to phrase these sorts of situations as questions, such as “should we…?”


#7 The Word “Consensus”

People like words which express agreement and cordiality, such as “consensus”, “support” and “agreement”. Using words like these, instead of “conflict words” like “argue”, can create a positive mindset in your potential buyers and nurture them towards a client relationship with you.

These words are even more important if you are pitching to a business, as widespread support for your services across the team is the primary factor driving the purchase decision of senior decision makers.

#8 The Word “Imagine”

Human beings are highly attached to stories, and these tend to stick in people’s mind more effectively than a straight sales message. IFAs who are great salespeople are very good at using storytelling when they talk to prospective clients. They are also very good at making their listeners see themselves as the main character in the story. This makes the potential client picture themselves living the dream that the IFA is describing. The vision is now shared between the IFA and the prospect.


#9 The Prospect’s Name

People pay attention more when they are directly addressed by their name. This makes your prospect feel like they have your focus, and that your advice and words have been tailored just for them. Sprinkle the customer’s name throughout your words as you talk, but don’t over-do it (it can come across as forced or awkward).


#10 Opportunity

Naturally, issues and obstacles arise through your sales process, and the customer’s buying journey. Your financial marketing needs to be careful to avoid the language of problems, even if there are difficulties and unpleasantness present.

Words like “problem” create negative feeling, and a dim outlook on the situation at hand. Replacing words like this with things like “not a problem”, “it’s my pleasure” or “I understand” are more positive. They make the situation appear more like an opportunity, which can even create a sense of excitement.